About Us

We know that great food can be just as nourishing to the body as it is to the palate - soul food.  When things are done properly, using traditional techniques, wild yeasts and local ingredients - kneading and mixing them into the tastiest sourdough breads, pastries and cakes - the soul will be truly happy.  

We do this by embracing what nature has to offer, working in harmony with the seasons, being patient and understanding that the best things take just that little bit longer.  From here delicious, indulgent and nourishing food is inevitable.  

The nutritious aspect of traditional sourdough baking is at the heart of what we do.  Sourdough techniques open up the nutrients in flour as no other baking technique can do, allowing you to get the most from your loaf, as well as making wheat products more accessible to those averse to mass-produced breads.  It is our mission to give you delicious, nutritious products - things to Nourish the body and the soul. 

We’re lucky to be surrounded by idyllic countryside and a rich bounty of local ingredients lovingly produced by people as passionate as we are.  We develop lasting relationships with everyone around us - farmers, suppliers and our wonderful customers.  These support networks help us all out, making strong foundations and the bread oven they support even stronger!  We also know how beneficial locally grown and produced ingredients are, be it locally-milled grain, milk from the farms around Fishguard and eggs laid by happy Pembrokeshire chickens. This reduces our carbon footprint, keeps things sustainable, helps our communities and ensures things are as fresh as can be.  We will always strive to use as many local ingredients as we can, but we might have to cheat a bit on the chocolate… 

This is what we do in our little bakery by the sea, and we look forward to seeing you there, where the air smells delicious and the bread is fresh.  Follow your nose, you’ll find us.